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Here at The Quality Edit, we take bedtime very seriously. As we should: sleep deficiency, in both the short and long term, can have a grave impact on one’s mental, physical, and emotional health.
This March 10-16 is Sleep Awareness Week, a week that urges us to learn, recognize, and honor the importance of sleep as a fundamental measure of our health. Of course, everyone’s habits are different –– sleep can be painfully difficult to come by, or just as difficult to stave off.
As with most things, balance and routine is key, and many of us have a long list of things we like to do to help us get there. We asked our team to share their bedtime routines, the little rituals that help us each drift off into our dream worlds. Ever wanted to sleep with a TQE Editor? Here’s your chance.
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Grace: The Insomniac

Right now I’m suffering from a case of acute insomnia, so I’ve been extra cognizant of my sleep habits from night-to-night. I’ve tried a few different sleep supplements, but am still on the hunt for my perfect blend. To address my recent inability to fall asleep, I’ve sought out bedding with cooling properties because I’ve always lived in warm places; sometimes that’s the issue. Within my adored SIJO linen bedding ($420), I’ve swapped out my old duvet for a silk-filled thermoregulating one ($349) from Vesta—the weight feels great, too—and my old pillow for a personalized Pluto Pillow ($125).
Being on screens too late at night is often a big factor for insomnia, so using my Loftie alarm clock ($149) instead of my phone has been a great catalyst for developing proper sleep hygiene over time. I’m also an avid book reviewer, and have always read myself to sleep.
If I’m sticking to my ideal wind down routine, I’ll likely use a Dieux eye mask ($25), get in my Lunya washable silk pajamas ($198), and light my favorite Italic candle ($22).
Jordan: The Rollercoaster

My sleeping patterns are hugely indicative of my mental health. During a lower period, all I can do is sleep: multiple naps throughout the day on top of 10+ hour nights, bundled in layers and heavy blankets. During other periods of time, I’ll be operating off of little to no sleep at all, tossing and turning, sweating profusely, naked with just a top sheet. Though mood swings can feel very much out of my control, creating a diligent sleep regimen is one way I feel that I can claim some sort of agency.
For me, the key is smells & supplements: aromatherapeutic candles, essential oils, and soothing body lotions in addition to calming teas and herbs. I love Boy Smells candles –– the Hinoki Fantôme ($48) scent makes me feel deeply relaxed and peaceful. I also just got my hands on the Midnight Melody Perfume Oil ($45) from Pink Moon. I rub it gently on my temples and chest before bed to set an intentional, calming mood while I start to settle down.
In terms of teas and supplements, I have a few favorites that I circulate depending on strength. I LOVE the After Dinner Mint ($18.95) tea from Firebelly Tea. The peppermint and chocolate elements really feel like an indulgent but refreshing dessert, while the valerian is a natural sleep aid. Finally, to really seal the deal, I’ll slip on my Silk Sleep Mask ($48) from Good Side. It makes me feel like I’m a little princess... In a dark ass cave.
Lillie: The Rock

I'm the kind of person who falls asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow. There is truly nothing more ritualistic than getting into my bed after another busy day. I prefer sleeping in colder temperatures, under layers of blankets and tons of pillows around me. I'm also an incredibly heavy sleeper (no light or sound can wake me up once I'm out), which makes living with two roommates super easy.
My nighttime routine is sacred to me. I love taking a hot shower before bed with the lights off, and instead, lighting a candle in my bathroom. Showering in the dark helps get me into a relaxed state of mind. Everything feels slower, calmer, and more at ease. My current candle go-to is from LOHN. After my shower, I put on my favorite playlist and go through my skin and body care routine. Lotion, body oil, serums – the whole nine yards (as a beauty editor, I always have something new to try!). As I’m getting ready for bed, I’ll turn on my Canopy diffuser ($65) for the white noise effect, and spritz a little Deep Sleep pillow spray from This Works ($30) on my pillow. A little goes a long way.
By 11pm, I'm in bed, all cozied up and working through a few pages of whichever book I'm reading. I've been recently obsessed with my Brushed Cotton Duvet (from $200) from Parachute! It's so soft and cooling, I feel like I'm in a hotel bed (and everyone sleeps better in hotel beds, in my opinion!).
Dana: The Sweater

I know what you might be thinking – gross, the sweater! If you are thinking that, sorry, it’s life, friends. If you aren’t, you might also be sleeping with a big old dog and a partner like I do each night. Love them, but it is hot in here for all the wrong reasons sometimes!
Having this dilemma is one I’ve recently taken into my own hands. Sleep is critical, especially as a mom of two under two, so I’ve been figuring out the best product to aid in my mission to sleep cooler and better. Quince’s linen sheets ($129.90) have been the biggest win of my cooling mission to date. Beyond temperature control, they just feel luxurious, getting softer over time with each wash. Bonus: dog hair doesn’t seem to obsessively stick on these! Luna is another recent fave of mine, especially their Luxe Cotton Weighted Blanket. At $104.99, you won’t believe the quality for the price.
Before jumping in my sheets, however, I’ve taken to a little night time routine. Thanks to Tik Tok, I have jumped on the Sleepy Girl Mocktail bandwagon. With magnesium from Recess ($29.99), half an OLIPOP, and a little cherry juice, I’m transported from a hard, long day to sweet dreams in an instant. Plus, it tastes unbelievably good! On cold, Michigan nights, I also switch up the SGM for a Clevr Sleeptime SuperLatte ($28).
I was skeptical of the concept of a latte at night, but with all of the adaptogens and other good-for-you ingredients, I soon was craving the taste of it close to bedtime. The only problem with these beverages? When I can’t hear the baby monitor because I’m sleeping too well!
Honorable Mentions
A few other goodies our editors can’t sleep without.
- Deep Sleep Pillow ($135) from Cushion Labs
- Buffy Breeze Comforter (from $175)
- Luxe Hardcore Sheet Bundle (from $363) from Brooklinen
- burn no. 0 Massage Candle ($30) from maude
- Coconut Milk Bath ($18) from maude
- Unwind & Restore Supplements (from $15.99) from R3SET
So, there you have it. Our secret weapons, the reasons why we all consistently wake up looking fresh-faced, glowing, and well rested (right?). In all seriousness, sharing tips and tricks is always fun – especially for a group like us, whose job it is to find the best in the biz. But one of the most rewarding benefits of meditating on your own sleep habits (and those of others around you) is the opportunity to take a second to realize how complex, intricate, and vital our quest for a good night’s sleep can be. This level of awareness is exactly the goal of sleep week: How much sleep am I getting? How does it feel when I’m getting it? How can I make changes (subtle or drastic) in my routine to ensure that I’m centering my sleep schedule, for the benefit of my own health?
So whether you sleep like a rock, like an insomniac, or like either one on any given day, take time this week to play around and figure out what your needs may be. And honor them, as best you can. See you in our dreams!