In partnership with HALO.
There is no way to predict how night times will go with babies. It’s like any given Sunday; one night your infant is up 5 times, the next night they sleep 12 hours. That first time they sleep longer than their typical three to four hour stretch can cause new parents anxiety… and a lot of it.
I remember checking on my babies constantly when they’d go longer sleep stretches. Are they breathing? Are they too hot? Did they rollover? Instead of sleeping myself, I lay awake as these questions ran through my mind. But now, with wearable movement monitors like HALO SleepSure, parents no longer need to worry about whether their baby may have rolled over or if they're at a comfortable temperature. Now, you can get that information alerted right to your phone.
This baby movement technology is relatively new and wasn’t something I used with my older two daughters. That’s why it wasn’t on my radar for baby girl number three. But when I discovered HALO SleepSure allowed me to customize the alerts I received, I had to try it. After using it for a few months, I’m sold – and wish I had it earlier in my parenting journey.
A Must-Have Baby Movement Monitor
While HALO’s SleepSure ($249.99) is newer to the market, HALO itself is one of the best baby brands out there. I used HALO’s wearable sleep blankets for all three of my babies, and the brand’s bassinet always pops up on ‘Best Of’ lists. Because I knew HALO is a trusted leader in the infant sleep space, my gut said SleepSure would live up to all expectations. And it did.

HALO SleepSure’s advanced technology provides parents with a variety of measurements including heart rate, skin temperature, rollover and movement, providing parents real-time data about their baby. And the best part is you don’t have to get push alerts for everything. It’s the only monitor out there with customizable alerts. So you can dial in your settings and only keep track of what’s most important to you.
I was always most concerned with making sure my baby wasn’t too hot or too cold and was in a safe sleep position. I remember waking up numerous times throughout the night wondering if the baby was alright, going in and out of the room as the baby would sleep (until my husband would tell me to stop because I’d wake the baby) worried that she wasn’t comfortable or that she was too hot. Thankfully I’m now leveraging HALO SleepSure’s tracking and alerts and feel far less anxious in both of these areas!
I also love that the app keeps track of all the baby’s sleep stats and data for 30 days. This makes it possible for parents to keep an eye on baby’s patterns over time and create successful sleep and bedtime routines. And while infant sleep is never predictable, having the data at your fingertips makes it a little easier to figure out their sleep patterns (a task that can feel impossible).
Simple and Straightforward

Setting up smart devices like this one is usually not my forte. It’s a job I outsource to my husband. But setting up the HALO SleepSure was so simple and straightforward, I could easily do it on my own. There are two main pieces to the monitor: the charging base station and the monitor that you put on the calf of the baby. There are also multiple straps (two small, two medium and two large) so the monitor grows with your baby. When my daughter was 12-weeks, the medium sized strap fit best.
There are step by step, easy to digest directions to get everything set up. First, I plugged in the base monitor to start charging the monitor itself. Next, I downloaded the HALO SleepSure app. Once my monitor was charged, I could easily pair it to my phone using the QR code on the bottom of the charging station.
The app walks you through the easy set-up process and gives a very straightforward tutorial of the home screen, which is laid out in a user-friendly way so you aren’t overwhelmed with the four key sleep measurements.
The On-The-Go Mode Is A Game Changer

It breaks my heart when I’m in the car or on a walk and my baby is crying. I’m nervous there is something wrong: that she’s not comfortable, that she’s too hot or cold or that she was going to need something (I’ve definitely pulled over on the side of the road when my baby is crying just to make sure everything is OK).
But with HALO SleepSure’s On-The-Go mode, those worries are a thing of the past. Unlike other baby movement monitors, HALO takes into consideration the fact that babies' sleep is unpredictable and they will sleep anywhere and everywhere – in the car, on walks, or at grandparents' houses.
As the only baby movement monitor on the market with on-the-go mode, HALO SleepSure’s technology allows parents to track the movements and sleep patterns throughout the day. Why is this a game changer? The more data parents can track, the easier it is for them to get an idea of their baby’s sleep patterns. And more information can mean a better schedule.
Better Sleep = Happier Family
Any new parent knows once sleep gets better, most things about new parenthood fall into place. Lack of sleep is one of the biggest changes when it comes to welcoming a new baby. But with HALO SleepSure’s baby movement monitors that are comfortable, lightweight and easy to use, parents can get the peace of mind they need to follow one of the most common pieces of advice new parents get: sleep when the baby sleeps. Now, you can!
Shop HALO SleepSure here, and use the exclusive code TQE15 for 15% off your SleepSure purchase!
Five More Things To Know About HALO SleepSure
- HALO offers a 30-night guarantee when you buy it from, so if you’re not happy with the product, you can send it back. This makes testing out the baby movement monitor a no brainer.
- HALO SleepSure tracks four key measurements in real time: movement, skin temperature, rollover and heart rate.
- Parents can customize alerts so you only get what you want. This makes things less overwhelming. You can’t get an alert for heart rate; you have to look on the app for that measurement.
- HALO SleepSure is easy to set up and pairs with wifi for at home usage and bluetooth for on-the go mode. It also stays charged for 24-hours at a time.
- You must place the monitor on a specific part of your baby’s calf, so make sure you check out HALO’s detailed user guide so you get accurate measurements.
Note: SleepSure is not a medical device and should not be used as a medical device. SleepSure is not designed or intended to detect, diagnose, monitor, prevent, treat or cure any disease or other health condition, including but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); it is neither regulated nor approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. SleepSure is not a substitute for medical care or adult supervision of a baby.