In partnership with Organic Olivia. Editor’s Note: We only select and work with partners that meet our quality standards, so you can rest assured we only endorse products we believe in.
Is it just me or is modern-day society totally at odds with what it foundationally means to be a grounded human being? As innovation, choice, and access have exploded at a rapid pace, so too have the layers between who we are and how we relate to the environment we rely on to survive.
Because of this new reality, more and more “healthy” people than ever before are finding themselves with chronic illness, adrenal fatigue, central nervous system disorders, digestive issues, fertility issues—the list goes on and on. So, how can we heal if we’re connecting more with our phones than we are with our own bodies? I can hear, “Yo, that’s deep” from a mile away.
Organic Olivia, started by herbalist (and wellness witch) Olivia Amitrano, is determined to shift our everyday pattern of thinking that we would ever need to look outside of ourselves or Mother Nature when it comes to supporting, nourishing, and promoting our wellbeing. I mean, it’s not really that crazy of an idea that Mother Nature would have everything you need to be well.

With carefully crafted, thoughtfully sourced herbal supplements, tinctures, teas, and syrups, Organic Olivia is bringing ancient herbal medicine (and the education that comes with it) to the masses in a highly efficacious way.
As someone who is already a believer in the power of “nature’s best,” I was no skeptic of Organic Olivia's holistic premise, but was deeply curious how one could apply such an intricate modality to the direct-to-consumer landscape. I was able to incorporate four of Olivia’s core products into my everyday routine, and this is what I discovered.
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- All formulas are individually tested and have COA’s available
- Tinctures have been extracted using percolation for higher potency
- Not only are all herbal formulations science-backed + heavily researched for optimal efficacy, but they’ve all been artfully crafted by Olivia herself, combining thoughtful, synergistic blends of herbs, plants + minerals
- Large emphasis on herbal education through Olivia’s podcast, What’s the Juice, OO’s blog + herb glossary
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- TBH, we’re pretty on board with OO’s mission and products, but just be aware that—like anything—there is no such thing as “one-size-fits-all-medicine,” so each person’s results may vary!
Tincture Tailor Soldier Spy
Going into my Organic Olivia experience, I was somewhat of a novice to the brand’s best sellers, having only heard about Olivia’s very viral GlucoBitters. I was excited to join the social media society managing their blood glucose levels naturally while also diving deeper into the Organic Olivia universe with the addition of three of their other best sellers: Not Your Average Probiotic, Liver Juice, and Mane Magic.
My concerns pre-Organic Olivia trial:
- I found myself with sluggish digestion often, feeling bloated after meals.
- I have a history of #candida and PCOS, which means my blood sugar matters.
- Thanks to four years of living in NYC (and maybe too much blue light exposure), I had experienced a lot of hair loss. Although it’s starting to grow back, it still needed a LOT of love.
- I’ve been told that my liver is currently compromised with “too much heat,” according to my Chinese Medicine Doctor, where I have a hard time processing toxins. The result? Messy hormones, acne, gnarly PMS, and honestly an agitated mood (made worse while driving).

My New Core Four
Throughout my 30-day trial with my Organic Olivia haul, I noticed an overall “lightening” of spirit—my digestion felt more fiery (which my holistic nutrition course tells me is a good thing!), my skin felt brighter, and I noticed less hair fall in the shower. Here’s how I felt per product:
Organic Olivia’s GlucoBitters takes the wellness phenomenon of having apple cider vinegar in water before a meal to lower one’s blood glucose response to their meals. OO’s version is an herbal, “metabolic vinegar” tincture infused with over 500 mg of digestive-supporting herbs and botanicals—gymnema leaf, bitter melon fruit, cinnamon bark, fenugreek, gentian root, bupleurum, and peppermint leaf to name a few—that not only help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, it also lessens occasional cravings, supports insulin sensitivity, and promotes overall adaptability to meals that are out of someone’s “usual” routine.
I was fully obsessed with my tincture. Right before every lunch and dinner (my breakfast is usually bone broth), I would squeeze 1-2 dropperfuls of GlucoBitters into 4-8oz of water and shoot it back. On one hand, I felt good just knowing that I was doing something to improve my mealtime digestion. On the other hand, I actually noticed that I didn’t feel like there was just food sitting around post-meal, taking hours to digest. It was also the first thing I grabbed when I was going out to eat, so I could keep my habit going even when I was eating outside of my comfort zone.
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In general, I’m pretty skeptical of probiotics, given the market is so crowded, and it can be really hard to discern what strains are beneficial and what strains can actually be a detriment to your health.
With such a science-backed, heavily researched approach, Organic Olivia’s probiotic gave me zero hesitation. Not Your Average Probiotic combines probiotics, prebiotic fiber, and fermented enzymes in one microencapsulated that helps get these probiotics where they need to do their best work. One capsule has 20 billion CFUs of science-backed strains, fiber to support microbiome diversity, and fermented enzymes to assist digestion and occasional bloating, which really does put it in a class of its own.
I took this bad boy every morning right before my breakfast and felt right as rain for the remainder of the day. I’ll admit that gut health is something I’ve been working on for quite some time, so things aren’t so dire, but I felt like my elimination was “complete” and that I experienced fewer bouts of trapped gas in my stomach (which has been a thing).
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Back when I interviewed Olivia as a part of our Quality Makers’ series, she emphasized her unconditional love for her Liver Juice. She shared, “Liver support is so key in the world we live where there is so much exposure to environmental pollutants. Our livers have to deal with so much—excreting our own endogenous hormones, histamines, and also the heavy metals, xenoestrogens in plastic, and everyday toxins.”
Liver Juice is a synergistic tincture that combines herbs like milk thistle, burdock root, dandelion root, fresh turmeric root, bupleurum root, beet root, red root, and Oregon grape root for better phase I & II detoxification pathway support.
Given that my issue is excess estrogen that wreaks havoc on my skin throughout my cycle, Olivia suggested that I add the tincture into my routine the week before my period to help my liver get rid of the hormonal buildup and I seriously noticed a huge difference with 1) my period 2) my PMS and 3) my skin post-menstruation. My skin normally would flare right as my period started, and I didn’t see one blemish as my period started. Revelatory!
Olivia also mentioned that Liver Juice is great support after a night of drinking, while traveling, over-indulging on high-fat or high-sugar foods, and overall skin support.
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Now for the mane event.
When I looked at the supplement facts for Mane Magic, I was excited to see a whole host of Chinese herbs I had learned about throughout my own health journey—Fo-ti root, astragalus, dong quai specifically.
Mane Magic was formulated to encourage healthy blood flow to support strong hair with traditional “blood building” herbs that support hair, hormone, and adrenal health. (Fo-ti has even been rumored to reverse gray hair!).
Unlike so many hair supplements that are overloaded with biotin and other vitamins and minerals that can be too much for the body to process, Mane Magic is a slow-build tincture that requires at least two months of commitment so as to naturally ensure your blood and Qi are resilient, strong, and sustained.
I took (and am still taking) 1 dropperful two times per day, pausing while I was on my period, and have noticed that my hair feels a lot healthier, less brittle, and is falling out way less. My neighbor even asked me, “What’s your secret?” the other day when I was walking my dog. Slay!
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Getting To The Root Of The Problem
During a recent 1:1 with Olivia herself, I learned all about the sacred practice of herbal medicine and its profound effect on someone’s mental, emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual health.
“Herbs are living things that respond to sunlight, open up, go to sleep, and are living creatures with a certain level of intelligence,” Olivia shared. “Traditionally, they are known to have a spirit, so once we interact with them—whether we’re sitting with them, taking them, or just being around them—they can change you on a spiritual level.”
Unlike conventional Western medicine that leans on a more allopathic—aka “symptom-led”—approach to healing, herbalism is about seeing the entire person, getting to the root of where the imbalance is. For example, Olivia explained that, from an herbal perspective, our guts are more than just a digestive mechanism. They are also a mind-gut axis with an emotional, mental, and spiritual center, so when you’re clearing digestive symptoms, you’re also clearing confusion and heaviness in your spirit, which can inevitably transform how you interact with the world around you. “It’s not just hitting the symptoms, but hitting the person on a deeper level, which you might not be aware of until you look back.”
However, Organic Olivia is anything but another wellness brand. Unlike other e-commerce supplement brands (or other brands promoting “optimal wellbeing”), Organic Olivia is focused on supporting people during different phases of their lives—focused on evolution, growing, and learning vs. sustaining. “I don’t want anyone to become dependent on my herbs where they have to keep ordering for the rest of eternity. I want to be a bridge that can provide education that can help people become their own herbalists and teachers, which is why I focus on education as much as formulation.”

Organically Tested, Organically Olivia
As a female-owned, female-funded business, Organic Olivia prioritizes integrity above all else with no intentions to grow faster than necessary for the sake of profit. Even though Olivia is looking to bring highly efficacious herbal blends to the masses, that doesn’t mean they’re trying to mass produce (and therefore sacrifice quality).
Here are some things that specifically stood out to me as I got to know the brand more and more:
- Quality | All of Organic Olivia’s formulas are individually batch-tested and have the COA’s to prove it. They start with whole herbs and then grind them in-house, using mission-led manufacturers who share the same integrity-forward vision as the company. They confirm the plant species through traditional identification methods (organoleptics) and also perform DNA testing and gas chromatography to ensure proper levels of active constituents. They also meticulously test any raw plant material for microbes, metals, and pollutants.
- Potency | Organic Olivia leverages percolation vs. maceration when it comes to extracting any and all of their tinctures. Not only does percolation make for a quicker process, but it also creates a stronger-end product since the most soluble plant constituents are picked up first (which leaves room for the rest to slowly trickle out). As a result, this process produces the most complete, full-spectrum extraction possible with an “herb strength ratio” that often gets close to 1:2.
- Formulations | At the core of Organic Olivia is Olivia’s own robust knowledge and expertise as a clinical herbalist, which is why she formulates all of OO’s blends. With such a focus on science, research, and development, Olivia crafts unique, intentional, and complementary herbal blends that are powerful, effective, and made from a place of true understanding and passion.
- Education | One of the most notable things about Organic Olivia is the encyclopedic education that supports the brand. Not only does Olivia seek to make herbal medicine incredibly accessible to the public through her own social channels, brand blog, and podcast—What’s The Juice?—but she is also continuing to meet with experts from every facet of wellness and holistic medicine to further her own education as well.
Naturally, I’m Obsessed
Real talk: the other day I went to my naturopathic doctor’s office and brought my Organic Olivia bounty with me because I was so excited about everything I had observed during my trial. “I feel like this is someone you should know about,” I told my ND.
Organic Olivia is not just another creator-led brand that is looking to make a profit off of its following. Olivia is a true expert, who genuinely hopes to impact the most people she can with the most efficacious formulas possible. Her focus on education is incredibly impressive, but not nearly as impressive as her ability to seamlessly synthesize complicated concepts into something us mainstreamies can understand and get excited about.
I’m all in.