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I've got a puppy, which means there's a lot of chewing going on at my place. If I don't keep an eye on my pup, he'll get his teeth around anything even somewhat edible -- and once we hit the sneakers phase (RIP my favorite running shoes), it was officially time to intervene. When I asked my trainer how to rein in his oral fixation, though, her advice was to do the opposite. "Let him," she said, "he's a dog. Just find something you actually want him to chew on."
This led me down a rabbit hole at our local pet store, where I tried the many "long-lasting chews" they had on the shelves. Until I realized that the main ingredient, even in the bacon-flavored ones, was nylon. Between the purely synthetic ingredients and the countless choking hazard warnings, these turned out to be a total non-starter. What I needed was something healthy I could give my super-chewer to go to town on, without the cost (or the smell) of giant smoked animal bones.
Which is the exact niche Petaluma decided to fill with its brand-new Sweet Potato Jerky ($17.99), a dehydrated chew that's as high in quality and sustainability as the kibble I raved about last year. Already a big fan of the brand, I was eager to get my hands on these healthy treats. And -- spoilers ahead -- neither me nor my pup were disappointed.
For those unfamiliar with Petaluma's philosophy, founders Garrett Wymore and Caroline Buck take every effort to ensure their products drive environmental solutions instead of problems. Where one cup of traditional dog food uses 3 pounds of greenhouse gas, 47 gallons of fresh water, and 80 square feet of farmland, Petaluma's food -- these chews included -- use 90% less of all of those materials.

Credit: Petaluma
That's because the brand sticks to minimally processed, organically grown whole ingredients from its farm in North Carolina, leaving out the fillers so many other brands turn to. And by staying plant-based, Petaluma allows our dogs to get the vegetables they desperately need to aid in their digestion. (If there were any doubts on that front, Petaluma wiped them clean away by partnering with a lab that verifies how its food affects dogs' internal organs.)
In all my hunting for dog-friendly chew treats, every other offering was 100% animal products. Sure, elk bones and beef tendons might keep my little guy busy for a while, but they're also tough on his stomach, with none of the fiber or antioxidants that a vegetable like sweet potato provides. So even though my dog gets plenty of meat elsewhere in his diet (full disclosure), I loved the idea of going veg with these Petaluma chews.
Sure enough, as soon as the box arrived on my doorstep I was reminded of Petaluma’s total dedication to sustainability. I've ordered a ton of products in my day, both for The Quality Edit and not, and this was the first time something has been shipped to me in a "Boox": a totally reusable shipping box that's designed to be returned and used over and over again. The sky-blue Boox contrasted playfully with Petaluma's signature green and orange drawings on the front of its packaging, reminding me that eco-consciousness doesn't have to come at the expense of aesthetics.

But no matter how much Petaluma synced up with my value system, it was the puppy prince's verdict that mattered, not mine. When I tore open the treat bag (also compostable, by the way), the little guy came trotting right over. These may not have looked like his usual treats, but he knows something high-value when he sees it, and he sniffed around relentlessly until I let him have his first chew.

As soon as he got the jerky in his mouth, he took off for his dog bed -- and for him, that's very high praise. If food doesn't excite him, he'll lazily chew it on the spot, but if it's a jackpot he goes bounding for his den to keep it all to himself.
As soon as he got the jerky in his mouth, he took off for his dog bed -- and for him, that's very high praise. If food doesn't excite him, he'll lazily chew it on the spot, but if it's a jackpot he goes bounding for his den to keep it all to himself.

As I watched him happily chew away, I realized how minimal in smell and residue these chews were. Unlike a meat-based jerky, they aren't oily and don't stink up the place -- instead, there's a pleasant, subtle vegetal aroma and zero mess thanks to the dehydration process.
These treats strike the perfect balance between being tough enough to provide some distraction time for him and pliable enough that I don't have to worry about his teeth or digestion. The 3-5 minutes it takes for him to break them down is a win for both of us, and the easy-to-carry pack means I can bring it on the go wherever I'll need to keep him busy. I'm thrilled to have found a go-to reward that's 100% real food -- and from the look in his eyes when I whip out that bag, so is he.
And as for my shoes? They're officially safe off the shelf again.
I'm thrilled to have found a go-to reward that's 100% real food -- and from the look in his eyes when I whip out that bag, so is he.
- Unlike other chews that break into sharp pieces, these treats are safe for all dogs over 10 pounds, with extra-large dogs able to snack on up to three pieces per day.
- As mentioned before, the treat bag is totally compostable, degrading back into soil within 6-12 months -- when's the last time that was true for commercial packaging?
- In addition to minerals and fiber, each treat is loaded with beta-carotene, a natural antioxidant used to produce vitamin A, which is critical for clear vision and immune cell function.
- 1% of all sales goes directly to fighting climate change and food insecurity, so every dollar you spend pays it forward.
- Petaluma is so confident in its product that the brand offers a no-risk trial with a full refund if you or your pup aren't satisfied with your first order.