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I can’t count how many times I’ve ruined a pair of tights because I’m a lifelong nail biter and my jagged little nails are sure to get caught in the fragile fabric of a new pair I’ve just taken out of the packaging. Maybe for you, it’s a loose bracelet clasp or a puppy who’s excited to see you that’s been responsible for another pair of tights being tossed in the trash can. It’s almost as if tights manufacturers want you to rip your tights in order to keep you hooked on their product….
By now, you’ve probably seen the alluring ads from Sheertex, the brand making tights that you only have to buy once. We decided to put their product to the test to find out if Sheertex is truly making the unrippable tights you need to add to your wardrobe.
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The Science Behind The Fabric
When Katherine Homuth, the founder of Sheertex, set out to create a textile that would not only stretch as much as it needed to in order to meet the design requirement for tights but also be strong and durable enough to endure any abrasion it encountered, she knew she wanted to make a high quality product that would be accessible to as many people as possible. That’s exactly what she’s achieved through Sheertex’s line of tights and accessories.

Sheertex products are responsibly designed and produced in Montreal, Canada, and made to last. The knit technology used in Sheertex’s tights is put through rigorous laboratory testing that measures burst strength, abrasion resistance, yarn strength, and tensile strength in order to ensure that each pair of tights will survive anything life throws its way. For burst strength, the mold of a human finger with 2,000 pounds of force behind it is pushed through the fabric to assess its strength. The results? Sheertex is 4.21 times stronger than similar tights on the market and 5.84 times stronger than drugstore tights. During the abrasion resistance test, the Sheertex knit is set up against 275 Structural steel and Rebar to find the maximum stress the material can withstand; Sheertex comes out on top. Finally, the tensile strength tests determine how durable the seams are in tear-prone areas and how much the fabric itself is able to stretch.
All of this, plus a lot of research into the toughest fibers in the world, resulted in a product that is incredibly strong without sacrificing any of its fashion sense or style. And because traditional textile machinery could not handle producing Sheertex’s proprietary knit, the company had to build its own hosiery manufacturing facility in Montreal, the heart of the Canadian textile industry.
Tights For The Rest Of Your Days
I grabbed the Classic Sheer Rip-Resist Tights ($59) and the Mini-Dot UltraSheer Rip-Resist Tights ($119) because I wanted to try one of Sheertex’s classic designs, which has one of its most common fabric thicknesses, and a design with a thinner fabric that, if it didn’t rip, would really put all my skepticism about Sheertex products to rest. I also wondered whether the density of the fabric would make the tights look more like leggings and worried that they’d lack the level of transparency I usually opt for.

I was very pleased to find that the Classic Sheer tights were see-through, and therefore wouldn’t visually weigh down whatever outfit I chose to wear them with, and that though strength of the fabric would lead you to believe that they’d feel heavy and thicker while on, they felt just as light and breezy as I hoped they would. If anything, I felt more carefree in my Sheertex tights because I was sure they wouldn’t betray me if they happened to graze any sharp corners throughout the day.
The Mini-Dot UltraSheer tights, made from Sheertex’s thinnest and sheerest fabric, were no less stretchy and strong, and I was able to get through several days in them without any snags or tears. On top of feeling like I was wearing a quality product, I felt quite supported in the midsection area because of the six-and-a-half-inch light compression comfort waistband designed to hold in your abdominal area and add to the seamlessness of Sheertex tights under your favorite clothing pieces.
5 More Reasons To Love
- Don’t feel like you have to be precious about your Sheertex tights! They’re all perfectly capable of handling a gentle cycle in the washing machine and a low heat setting in your dryer.
- Each pair of tights you buy from Sheertex comes with a no-snag guarantee of up to 90 days. If the impossible does happen and you find a tear in your rights, you can contact the brand within 90 days of receiving your order and it will be replaced for free.
- Sheertex uses the extra materials from its production process to make new products you can shop.
- You can try Sheertex in several other colors.
- Sheertex’s markup is less than half off other brands’ which means you get more quality in each pair of tights you buy.
If you still don’t believe us, buy your own pair of Sheertex tights and see how long you can go without ripping them. We promise you won’t be able to.